Roses in Review Summary will be presented at the Oct District Conference
Roses in Review (RIR) is an annual process where the members of the American Rose Society
evaluate new rose introductions. The ultimate value of this procedure is realized only when we have a broad
base of participation. We need input from "garden" rosarians as well as exhibitors, and from new rosarians as well as seasoned veterans.
We also welcome reports from those who are not yet ARS members, so please pass along this website address to your rosegrowing
The complete results of this survey will be included in the January/February issue of American Rose magazine sent to all members, and
will help determine the ratings in the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses. For these results to be meaningful, we need everyone to
participate So, please - take a few minutes of your time to evaluate your new roses. Only evaluate roses you grow from the cultivar
The most efficient method of reporting is the filling out of the on-line survey at www.rose.org. Click on "Roses in Review."
Scroll down the page and click on and read "Instructions." Register using the "New User" button on the bottom of the Instructions
Page or on the Roses in Review main page. Please enter all of the requested information. (You will be able to access the survey
page as often as you need to, using the e-mail address and zip code you record.) Be sure to select your ARS district and enter the
name of your local society. Now you are ready to report on the roses you grow.
If you grow none of the listed roses,
check that box and then click the "Register" button. Even if you are not growing any new cultivars, it's important to participate for the PNW District.
You may return to your review
as often as you wish until you have reported on your roses.
If you prefer to fill out a paper copy of the survey, you will find the form in the July/August edition of the American
Rose. Mail your completed survey to your RIR Chairman:
Karen Madsen, 12702 109th Ave. CT. E.,
Puyallup, WA 98374 or email contact